Saturday, September 5, 2009

Hard being apart.

When Shari had said that she'd be gone for over a month. I'd originally thought it would not be such a big deal. I mean, we've been apart for long periods of time before, it seemed like something that would be easily managed. However, it's turning out to be a lot more difficult than I would have originally anticipated. Especially with the baby and all, just those little things seem to be missed that much more.

It's definitely hard being apart for sure. And I know we both feel it. But at the same time, it makes you more appreciative I guess. Time can't move fast enough! I can't wait to have her here again.

1 comment:

  1. Dan, These are different times, it's the first time Shari's gone for so long since your living together, just keep busy, keep in touch and time will go by a little quicker. It's like when you were a kid waiting for Christmas morning. Shari your right he/she$&39!! does look like a a kidney bean that has been sitting in water for a few weeks. Hurry back Shari and see you next week Dan.
