Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Big Move

So, we spent all day Saturday moving in to our new place in Bayshore. I didn't lift anything heavy, heck I wouldn't have even if I *wasn't* pregnant!! :) We had a lot of help: Lee, Dan, Mike and Chris which equaled 2 pickups, a U-Haul trailer and 3 cars worth. There's no way we could have done it without them, we are so thankful for their help. We still didn't finish everything, it started getting too late and too dark and everyone was so tired. Andrea came and kept me company and also helped setting up things in the new place and making those "important" women decisions such as where to place the couch and tv and which cupboard to store glasses or alcohol in. It was also nice to have someone to converse with (she can't lift anything either because of recent surgery) while the guys did all the heavy stuff. We have the other place until Jan 31st so the remainder of the items we will just bring over in the car and clean throughout the rest of the month. It was actually a pretty relaxing move for me (I'm sure Dan would disagree for him) because we have a half a month to move out rather than trying to do it all, including cleaning, in one weekend. I think my cat took the move the hardest and is still trying to figure out what this new place with all our stuff in it is. She spent the better part of last night meowing in our faces while we slept until Dan threw her out of the room and closed the door. Of course then she just sat outside the door meowing, but at least it was easier to sleep. She also refused to use the litter box and instead went in the tub... Well, at least it was easy to clean up. She is also very anxious,antsy and always under foot while unpacking. I feel bad for her because she's so confused and can't wait until she settles down these next few days.

As for the baby, I'm excited to be in the new house and get a baby room set up, we are still planning on going with a dinosaur themed room and have been mulling over ideas for how to decorate it. So far, Dan is going to draw big dinos and plants on the wall and Andrea is going to paint them. If anyone has other ideas, please leave comments so we can add them to our decorating list!!

I am now 26 weeks along and the pregnancy email we get says that the baby's ears are very developed and he can hear not only my voice but those I'm conversing with as well. Dan has found amusement in talking to my belly, especially when the baby isn't moving and trying to "wake him up" so he will move around. He also discovered if he lightly tickles my belly over the top of the baby then the baby will kick his fingers over and over again even when he moves to another spot. I said he's probably irritating the baby! Nevertheless, it's very cute.

Well, I can't go in the sauna or hot tub until after the baby is born, so I'm thinking I may go take a swim in the indoor pool later on. That is if my bathing suit will still fit me! Hope everyone has a wonderful week :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Pregnancy Confessions?

So, I was reading an blog/article on a baby website and the posting mother was "confessing" all of her pregnancy nono's that she had committed and asking people to reply with things they had done as well. So, I was scrolling down through the confessions that others responded with and some of them were pretty bad: People that smoke while pregnant, mothers who had drank wine/beer while pregnant (that was actually the majority of the comments), others who refused to take prenatal vitamins due to taste, some who fake pregnancy sicknesses to get out of doing work. Ok, so these mothers stuck to the assignment at hand!

However, there were these mothers... who I imagine are these "perfect" housewife, suburb, snobby, rich, anal people with the anal children and the unhappy husbands... you know the women I'm talking about! Anyway, their "confessions" if you want to call them that, were things like how they dyed their hair while pregnant or had a diet coke while pregnant or used Ceaser salad dressing??

Here's some examples copy and pasted directly from the comments:
Mrs. Anal Amy writes: "Since about 18 weeks along, I’ve had Diet Coke a few times a week. Sometimes I forget and have a couple a day on the weekends but I figure it all evens out."

Seriously?? Clearly a horrible example of a mother here!!

Mrs. Good E Two Shoes says: I drink a Pepsi a day, I can’t kick the habit, I eat lunch meat...

Wow... and I thought I was bad

Mrs. Snobby Sandra claims: "I have a cup of tea every day and at least two cups of decaf coffee a day for the taste"

Oh the horror!

And my favorite...

Ms. I Look Down My Nose At You confesses: "Have had lunch meat on several occasions that I didn’t microwave. Have eaten Caesar dressing (on wraps) a few times.
Have had cravings for french fries and hamburgers and answered those cravings!"

Really?? What a horrible person does she not realize that French Fries are the number one cause of birth defects?? Clearly her baby will arrive with French Fry Syndrome (FFS) a common birth defect seen in babies of mothers who eat french fries!

Ok, all I can do is read those comments and laugh, seriously, just because you are pregnant doesn't mean you have to live in a little unhappy bubble for 9 months. As long as you are happy and generally stress free chances are you'll have a healthy baby... even if you mess up occasionally.

I can't imagine what these women say about us "normal" women... Actually, I feel sorry for these women's husbands.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New years adventures and the visit with the doc

Our New Years Eve was fun, we went to a sports bar with Andrea and Mike and it was pretty quiet there. But we watched the Sens and the Junior Hockey games on the big screens there and got (mostly) speedy service because our waitress was probably bored and the bar was probably overstaffed. Going out to bars these days is pretty boring and smelly for me (that overwhelming stale alcohol smell) but Dan has been laying off on the alcohol as well and since it was snowing badly he was driving the 4 of us back to Andrea's and us eventually home.

It was the way home at 3 in the morning that was the adventure. It was very windy and very snowy, and being a holiday, there were no snow plows out and on the way home a gust of wind picked our tiny car up and whipped it in a full circle on the freeway!! It was so scary that I covered my eyes and screamed something about how we are all going to die :) Dan, being the calm and rather skilled snow driver he is (and ignoring me) gracefully danced the car in such a way that we ended up remaining on the freeway and even came to a stop in the correct direction in the empty bus lane!! Anyway, after I calmed down, I was extremely impressed and glad to be alive and the car not in the ditch. Dan just laughed about it and kept on driving, to which of course I replied with "how can you laugh about such things???" (He was most likely laughing at me I'm sure...)

Anyway... we had another doctor appt today, one more 4 week wait and then beginning of February my doctor visits go to every two weeks instead of every four. It was pretty routine, the office asks you to take your boots off at the door because of the amount of water/snow being tracked into the office (not uncommon up in this area), so my socks got soaking wet before I could even get to a waiting room chair. The waiting room was empty and I was called in to the nurses station before I could even sit down. The nurse took my blood pressure which was normal for me 122/80, actually my blood pressure has been lower now that I'm pregnant than when I'm not, I told Dan it's because he keeps me so calm :)

So, after that Dan and I went in the room and met with "Dr. Cool." (Who, of course, walked in right as I was rifling through his cabinet drawers and didn't say a word:) He listened to the baby's heart which was 136 said he sounded like a "good, happy baby" then he measured my belly and said I was a tad big for how far along I was but since I've gained only two pounds the entire pregnancy, he wasn't really concerned.

And that's about it, the baby constantly moves, Andrea was the first person (besides Dan of course) to feel the baby kick! We hope that everyone is having a wonderful New Year wherever you are!! :)