Tuesday, September 1, 2009

7 weeks today!

Just 7 weeks along, the little email I get about my pregnancy week to week tells me I'll probably be having morning sickness. I sure hope not. I was soooooo sick during my pregnancy with Tyler for months on end, so sick I had to take medicine for it and I lost 30 some pounds! So, hopefully I won't go through that again, it's horrible.

I installed a little baby widget on the right side of the blog. You can click on the day below the little picture of the baby to change it to weeks to come or how far. I think that its a neat widget. It's weird to see what the baby looks like inside of me at this point, kind of like a bean or something. The email said it's about the size of a blueberry now!

So, I see Dan wrote a blog about it "sinking in" that is true. Now that the dust has settled somewhat it is sinking in. I think it's sinking in a different way for me than for him though. You see, this is going to be my second baby and his first. He's still at that naive, blissful state where you think raising a baby is... well like on TV. The baby is always smiling and laughing and staring up at you with big blue eyes, patiently awaiting it's feeding time. What he doesn't know are the long nights of waking up every two hours all through the night for months to a screaming baby demanding to eat with a diaper full of liquid poo that pees all over you as soon as you lower the diaper. Getting spit up on every time it eats, pretty much having no nice clothes any longer. LOL Sure there are those happy times, but they are much fewer than Hollywood would have you believe. Ahh... what it would be like to be in that blissful, unknowing state he's in!! :)


  1. That'll be no different than now. Cleaning up after ferret poo and pee, getting woken up every couple hours from the cat jumping in the window. I've been prepared! Heh Heh. :)

  2. Well if nothing else you can both use the late night feeding sessions as a time to become geniuses on world event with the help of late night news. And you'll be able to sing the jingles to all the adverts from memory! Go on... ask me about October/November 1985!!! Lol!

  3. Wow... amazing news! Am so happy for you both!
