But, today I finally had an idea. I logged on to Ebay (probably the only site on the entire World Wide Web I forgot to check) and typed in "dinosaur" into the baby search section and hundreds and hundreds of items came up!! And sooo inexpensive! I mean there's everything: dinosaur bibs, stuffed animals, curtains, toys, clocks, pillows, borders, stencils, growth charts, bedding, pacifiers, artwork, drawer knobs... everything!! I was worse than a kid in a candy store. There are literally hundreds, heck probably thousands of people and ebay stores that sell every possible dinosaur nursery item you could need and there's even people who, if they don't make it WILL make it for you! I even found a dinosaur light switch cover that someone hand paints! I wish that I could register with Ebay.com instead of the "standard" (and very overpriced) stores *coughbabiesruscoughcough*
Anyway, after being very very inspired for nursery ideas, I got into Photoshop and designed the layout I want Dan and Andrea to paint for the nursery walls. I am really in love with this theme because it's a theme that can grow with the child too. So, later on, the room can be converted into a more of a child's room rather than a baby's room. Right now though, it's pictures of cute, little baby dinosaurs. I tried to keep it simple to save on time and paint costs but still give it that playful, bright baby room feel.
Basically, there are 2 full walls, one wall with a big window and the 4th wall is all entire closet door. So, this gives me 3 walls to work with. With the largest wall, I wanted to find some cube shaped (or at least half square/modern looking) shelves to display a few items on the walls.

The wall with the window on it cannot fit as much, but I figured the narrow space between the wall corner and the window can be some dinosaur footprints and just hanging a simple green curtain (although the curtain idea may change if I can find matching or near matching curtains)

And on the final wall, the last of my two favorite dinosaurs in cartoon format, triceratops and stegosaurus.

I plan on painting the built in shelves in the closet to match as well and I may throw a volcano into the mix somewhere but these were my basic plans so far. Of course there is always the fear that the ultrasound maybe was wrong and we'll end up having a girl... but I figure that if she's anything like me, all of my "imaginary friends" as a child were dinosaurs, this will still be an appropriate room for her, which is also why I tried to keep the colors very pastel... just in case.
Other than that, my health is still great, went and got a gestational diabetes test the other day, Wednesday and boy was that painful. The nurse didn't know what she was doing and ended up poking me ALL over until she was finally able to draw the blood out of my hand, leaving my hand aching the rest of the day. Doc said that as long as I didn't hear from him everything was normal and so far I haven't heard anything. My belly is also horribly heavy feeling and weighing on my muscles like crazy making sleeping, sitting, standing and walking or doing anything a pain and I'm thinking of going out and buying one of those maternity back/belly braces tomorrow if I can find one.
Well goodnight to everyone, I hope the day finds you all healthy and in good spirits. :)
Very cute! If it all comes out like the pictures, it will be a great room, very happy looking. Have fun getting it ready.