Sorry I didn't write last week. I've been trying to keep up on writing at least once a week but last week was soooo hectic with all the running around. On Saturday we went over to Al and Deb's house (our last outing) and by then I was so exhausted I felt as if I was on some strong sleeping pills and actually fell asleep in the chair! On Sunday, we finally stayed home and did nothing, it was wonderful :) Actually, I had fun this Christmas and everywhere we went was a continuous stream of questions from more distant family and the constant reminder that this time next year Dan and I will have an 8 month old... Crazy.
Now I am 23 weeks along and feeling the baby kicking like crazy. He's so active and almost never stops moving, seriously. I never went through this with Tyler, actually, I made two extra visits to the doctor, while pregnant with Tyler, because I *didn't* feel him moving enough and thought something might be wrong. Not the case here... It's gotten so bad that all of my dreams are about people kicking or punching me in the stomach!! On another note, the baby email says that at this point he can hear all the same sounds I do, just more muffled, he now weighs about 1 pound and would be about 11 inches long, the size of a large mango.
As for my health, I've been feeling awesome, most of my ability to eat a variety of foods has returned (except for spaghetti) and my super smelling ability has calmed down somewhat. My blood pressure has remained unusually normal (something I don't even really see when I'm not pregnant) and long walks... generally the after xmas sales at the mall... cause the muscles in my stomach to tense up and really hurt.
I am almost always hungry and I feel like a bottomless pit, so if I'm not constantly eating and drinking water I feel very sick or these HUGE unbearable hunger pangs until I do eat. Now, I am bigger in the stomach area than I ever was with Tyler, all of my clothing is maternity clothing. If you remember from previous posts, when I was pregnant with Tyler I had only 1 pair of pants and 1 shirt that I wore once in my 8th month. This time though, at the beginning of my pregnancy, I thought I'd be able to get by with only a couple pairs of maternity pants but now even my shirts don't fit me and ride up to my upper stomach. I feel like I'm lugging a bowling ball around and turning from one side to the other in bed is tough too. Don't really want to know what it will be like in a few weeks!! :)
I have my next doctor appt on Monday, so I will post anything new we hear while we are there. I feel very lucky that Dan goes to every single doctor appointment with me, something that most women don't get from their partner.
Dan and I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas and time off work and that 2010 will be even greater for you all, we know it will be for us!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
21 weeks or 5 months and 1 week!!
21 weeks already, my how the time is flying! I was talking to my sister-in-law, Tress the other day and said 21 weeks to which she replied "don't say it like that? Tell me how many months!!" Then I remembered how much I hate it when people do that to me too, like a mother saying their 1 year and 3 month old child is 15 months!! I mean come on people, don't make me figure out your precious child's age, I don't care enough and I'll just make up my own number!! Besides, really... once they are over a year, shouldn't you just spare us all and say "my kid is 1 yr old." Heck if you really want to be specific, you can say "my kid is 1 yr and 3 months old." Anyway, so now I find myself doing the same thing... However, in my defense, all the baby emails, websites, doctors, nurses, hospital staff and anyone else you deal with refer to it as 21 weeks and get confused if you say 5 months and one week. So, I did get used to saying how far along I was in weeks and actually, I'm the one left figuring out how far along I am in months!
Anyway... 21 weeks, 5 months 1 week, either way, the baby is still developing. The weekly email I get says the baby is now the size of a carrot and eyebrows and eyelids are now present. Also, both Dan and I can feel the baby moving around, which usually happens early evenings and at bed time. Overall, I feel great, my blood pressure has stayed down and not much sickness (other than a couple colds). I am always hungry even though I feel like I eat all day and I can't get enough sour candy and food. None of my clothing, even the maternity stuff, fits. It's too tight, too big, too short, or too loose, getting dressed is a huge chore! That and the fact that I have a heck of a time turning over in bed because my stomach feels so heavy are really my only two complaints. Other than that though, everything is wonderful :)
Dan and I have decided on the name Connor Lucien Rozon and have started collecting some baby things like a crib and a bathtub and also registered at which actually made me have an emotional pregnant woman breakdown. I was happily browsing through babies 'r' us online inventory and picking out things, when I noticed that there were some things on my registry that I didn't pick out. So, I deleted them and tried again... same thing! What I found out, that babies 'r' us, in their desire to be "helpful" to the shopping mom, substitutes a "similar" product if the one you chose is out of stock. However, their substitutions are horrible! For example, I picked out some blue baby socks that were out of stock and they substituted it with pink! I mean sheesh, at least stick to the general gender color! And a pair of lion slippers was substituted with an elephant stuffed animal!?? But what really did me in, was trying to register for a bassinet. I selected a brown "jungle spots" one and it won't let you just pick the bassinet, it puts the entire bedroom set in it! So, instead of the $100 bassinet, it has me registered with the near $500 set! I don't want the bedding, crib, highchair, stroller and playpen! So, by this point I'm nearing my breaking point, I delete the set and after trying to select *just* the bassinet, give up and decide that I'll just select a different one. I go to their bassinet section to find that they have 11 choices of bassinets, 1 blue one, 1 jungle spots one and 9 PINK ones!!!!!! I could no longer take it and burst out sobbing then went and took a nap, figured I'd try again later.
I explained to Dan that the first, I'd say, two years of shopping for a baby boy is really hard. Apparently, all the retailers think that everyone either only has baby girls or that only those with baby girls do any shopping. So, for two years you are inundated with pink, pink, pink and an occasional peach-pink. I've been in stores where, if you glance over the racks of the entire baby section the main color is pink and I found the *one* *single* rack of "blue" clothing tucked in a back corner by the bathrooms. ARGH! Anyway... after about two or three years, the boy selection gets really cute and balances out with the girl's sections. But, seriously, if I had the money, I'd open up a boy's only baby clothing store, I'm sure there would be many appreciative baby boy mothers out there!
Anyway... 21 weeks, 5 months 1 week, either way, the baby is still developing. The weekly email I get says the baby is now the size of a carrot and eyebrows and eyelids are now present. Also, both Dan and I can feel the baby moving around, which usually happens early evenings and at bed time. Overall, I feel great, my blood pressure has stayed down and not much sickness (other than a couple colds). I am always hungry even though I feel like I eat all day and I can't get enough sour candy and food. None of my clothing, even the maternity stuff, fits. It's too tight, too big, too short, or too loose, getting dressed is a huge chore! That and the fact that I have a heck of a time turning over in bed because my stomach feels so heavy are really my only two complaints. Other than that though, everything is wonderful :)
Dan and I have decided on the name Connor Lucien Rozon and have started collecting some baby things like a crib and a bathtub and also registered at which actually made me have an emotional pregnant woman breakdown. I was happily browsing through babies 'r' us online inventory and picking out things, when I noticed that there were some things on my registry that I didn't pick out. So, I deleted them and tried again... same thing! What I found out, that babies 'r' us, in their desire to be "helpful" to the shopping mom, substitutes a "similar" product if the one you chose is out of stock. However, their substitutions are horrible! For example, I picked out some blue baby socks that were out of stock and they substituted it with pink! I mean sheesh, at least stick to the general gender color! And a pair of lion slippers was substituted with an elephant stuffed animal!?? But what really did me in, was trying to register for a bassinet. I selected a brown "jungle spots" one and it won't let you just pick the bassinet, it puts the entire bedroom set in it! So, instead of the $100 bassinet, it has me registered with the near $500 set! I don't want the bedding, crib, highchair, stroller and playpen! So, by this point I'm nearing my breaking point, I delete the set and after trying to select *just* the bassinet, give up and decide that I'll just select a different one. I go to their bassinet section to find that they have 11 choices of bassinets, 1 blue one, 1 jungle spots one and 9 PINK ones!!!!!! I could no longer take it and burst out sobbing then went and took a nap, figured I'd try again later.
I explained to Dan that the first, I'd say, two years of shopping for a baby boy is really hard. Apparently, all the retailers think that everyone either only has baby girls or that only those with baby girls do any shopping. So, for two years you are inundated with pink, pink, pink and an occasional peach-pink. I've been in stores where, if you glance over the racks of the entire baby section the main color is pink and I found the *one* *single* rack of "blue" clothing tucked in a back corner by the bathrooms. ARGH! Anyway... after about two or three years, the boy selection gets really cute and balances out with the girl's sections. But, seriously, if I had the money, I'd open up a boy's only baby clothing store, I'm sure there would be many appreciative baby boy mothers out there!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Half way there!
So, this week I'm 20 weeks along, it's crazy to me how fast the time is flying by. I have only been sick a couple of times and I feel really good, I forget I'm pregnant a lot because I don't *feel* pregnant.
A lot has happened this last week. Dan and I found a really, really nice apt in the Bayshore area, signed the lease, and I am super excited to move, mid Jan. There is everything from indoor and outdoor pools, heated indoor parking, parks, it's very close to an elementary school (right on the other side of the park), in suite storage and even guest suites in the basement so when my mom and dad come to visit this summer, they won't have to stay in a motel.
On Thurs last week I had an ultrasound. It was a very long appointment, running over an hour. The girl doing the ultrasound was obviously in training and had her "mentor" over her shoulder, an older guy, pointing out this and that to her. At the end of the appointment, we asked what the sex of the baby was, to which the trainee looked at the man and said "can you check I can never tell." So, he sat down and started looking around on the computer monitor. He says, repeating what I said earlier, "you have a boy already?" To which I reply "Yes" again. "Oh that's good, looks like a girl this time..." I get all excited on the inside, then he adds "I think..." He is still poking the device all around my stomach and rather roughly! "Yep, I believe it's a girl." I try not to get too excited, these things can be inaccurate... "Probably," he adds again, grr. Still I'm biting my tongue and waiting, not saying a word either way. Another minute. "Oh wait no no... there's the penis and testicles" he says pointing them out to Dan, "yep definitely a boy. See how BIG it is??" Dan laughs and I smile not exactly what I wanted, but there's always next time, "Besides," I tell Dan in the car, "Boys are so easy to raise." We came away with one picture (they are very stingy with the U/S pics up here in Canada)
He actually printed us two but the tech didn't give us the other one and we didn't realize it until we left. So, I've included the one we got. In the picture you can see the long spine and the baby's head. And, it looks like I'm having a baby skeleton! :) You can click on the picture to see it bigger.
Anyway, when I get home I start making phone calls, Tyler is very happy because now the room will be "boyish and not all ponies and princesses." My sister's response was "yay, now we can stay even!!" (she has two boys). Dan, Tyler and I all decided on a baby room theme to decorate the room once we move as well. We are going to do a dinosaur themed room and Dan is going to paint big dinosaurs on the walls. This is another reason I'm looking forward to moving, so we can get on with setting up the baby's room.
So, other than that, had another doctors appt yesterday, he said everything seemed fine with the baby. My blood pressure was a little high but he didn't seem concerned at this point. I was really nervous that I'd have to see nurse hulk again, especially since I got a cold again last week and have a mild cough, however it was a different nurse and she was much nicer. I even accidentally coughed right in front of her and she didn't even blink! PHEW!! I have been eating non stop and I haven't gained a single pound, I'm still the same weight as I was pre-pregnancy, but the baby is still growing. It was a longer doctor appointment because we had a lot of paperwork and a birth plan to go over with him this time, but other than that, it was a normal visit. Also, I changed the blog around a bit to be a bit more blue/gray than the previous pink/gray as I felt it was more appropriate :)
A lot has happened this last week. Dan and I found a really, really nice apt in the Bayshore area, signed the lease, and I am super excited to move, mid Jan. There is everything from indoor and outdoor pools, heated indoor parking, parks, it's very close to an elementary school (right on the other side of the park), in suite storage and even guest suites in the basement so when my mom and dad come to visit this summer, they won't have to stay in a motel.
On Thurs last week I had an ultrasound. It was a very long appointment, running over an hour. The girl doing the ultrasound was obviously in training and had her "mentor" over her shoulder, an older guy, pointing out this and that to her. At the end of the appointment, we asked what the sex of the baby was, to which the trainee looked at the man and said "can you check I can never tell." So, he sat down and started looking around on the computer monitor. He says, repeating what I said earlier, "you have a boy already?" To which I reply "Yes" again. "Oh that's good, looks like a girl this time..." I get all excited on the inside, then he adds "I think..." He is still poking the device all around my stomach and rather roughly! "Yep, I believe it's a girl." I try not to get too excited, these things can be inaccurate... "Probably," he adds again, grr. Still I'm biting my tongue and waiting, not saying a word either way. Another minute. "Oh wait no no... there's the penis and testicles" he says pointing them out to Dan, "yep definitely a boy. See how BIG it is??" Dan laughs and I smile not exactly what I wanted, but there's always next time, "Besides," I tell Dan in the car, "Boys are so easy to raise." We came away with one picture (they are very stingy with the U/S pics up here in Canada)

Anyway, when I get home I start making phone calls, Tyler is very happy because now the room will be "boyish and not all ponies and princesses." My sister's response was "yay, now we can stay even!!" (she has two boys). Dan, Tyler and I all decided on a baby room theme to decorate the room once we move as well. We are going to do a dinosaur themed room and Dan is going to paint big dinosaurs on the walls. This is another reason I'm looking forward to moving, so we can get on with setting up the baby's room.
So, other than that, had another doctors appt yesterday, he said everything seemed fine with the baby. My blood pressure was a little high but he didn't seem concerned at this point. I was really nervous that I'd have to see nurse hulk again, especially since I got a cold again last week and have a mild cough, however it was a different nurse and she was much nicer. I even accidentally coughed right in front of her and she didn't even blink! PHEW!! I have been eating non stop and I haven't gained a single pound, I'm still the same weight as I was pre-pregnancy, but the baby is still growing. It was a longer doctor appointment because we had a lot of paperwork and a birth plan to go over with him this time, but other than that, it was a normal visit. Also, I changed the blog around a bit to be a bit more blue/gray than the previous pink/gray as I felt it was more appropriate :)
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