Monday, November 30, 2009

Upcoming Ultrasound

So, Tuesday, Dec 1st, is Dan's birthday, he can't take it off work. He took of Wednesday though, which is an even more important day for us, the day I get my ultrasound. Had he had Tues off, he may not have been able to go with me for this!

During the ultrasound, we plan on finding out what the sex of the baby is. I hate waiting until delivery to find out. I'm not much in to the "unisex" baby colors of pastel green and yellow. I want to decorate the room in our new place as well (although I think we are going with a unisex baby theme, teddy bears) Also, I find out that you bond much better with your baby if you know what it will be before hand, then you can refer to my son or my daughter and even call them by their soon to be name. I find it much more personal than referring to the baby as "it" for 9 months!

As many of you know, I'm convinced I'm having a boy, that way, when I find out it's a boy, I'll be happy. Of course, if I find out otherwise then it will be a surprise, but at least I won't be in for this huge "letdown" so many experience when they get their hopes set on one sex or the other.

Well, needless to say, the closer the ultrasound gets to the date the more nervous I am. I am nervous that they won't be able to see the sex of the baby and if they do, what it will be! I am nervous that I will cry when they tell me, the way I did when I found out Tyler was going to be a boy. Which is weird, because I don't mind if it's a boy, trust me, Dan will be a great dad to a little boy, he loves sports, wrestling and "boy" type activities that I couldn't or wouldn't do with a son. Anyway, we'll post or call people if/when we find out.

The conclusion I've come to is, even though people say they dont care what the baby is, they just want it to be healthy, I believe that it's a lie, secretly deep down, they and their family want a certain sex. But, by verbally saying you don't care, it is possible to convince yourself and your family that it really doesn't matter! :)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I am not diseased!

((To start, I know a lot of you read this only in email and if you are, you may not be able to see the lovely cartoon illustration I made to go along with this post, so please, for the full experience view the blog site at If you can see the illustration, in your email, then please carry on :) The blog space is limited and the cartoon is two frames, but it will show both frames if you just mouse over it!!))

My latest visit to the doctor was on Tuesday. Dan and I arrived, to a virtually empty waiting room and I did my usual pee in the jar test and went in with the nurse to the nurses station. The friendly, gray-haired nurse introduced herself and took my blood pressure, which was still very normal. She wrote a few thing on her clip board while we chatted and then asked me to step on the scale. As I was stepping up, I made the horrible mistake of clearing my throat.

"Oh, sweetie, do you have a cough?" I hear the concerned nurse ask.

"No, no, just a bit of allergies... I had a cold about a month ago, might be a lingering cough... ya know how that is," I laugh, thinking how sweet it is of her to be so concerned as I step up onto the scale.

Next thing I know, the nurse has hulked into some crazy anti swine flu monster and is breathing heavily down my neck.

"Well..." she grumbles, "Everyone with a cough has to wear this!!" She thrusts a surgeons mask into my hand and stands there with her arms crossed waiting for me to put it on. I sigh and meekly take it from her, slipping the thing over my ears and covering my nose with it before she returns to her former self.

Now, if you have ever had to wear one of those things, it's hot as hell and it makes you feel as if you are suffocating, which was only made worse by the fact that my lungs are squished up and I have a hard enough time breathing as it is.

Anyway, Nurse Hulk, weighs me and then marches me back into the waiting room like some freakish alien. "It'll be fine," I think, comforting myself, "No one was even in the waiting room except Dan." Of course, by now, that's all changed and the place is literally packed. I scamper over to Dan, with my head down, watching all the patients (most of them pregnant) shuffle away or make the wide circle around me. I whip off the mask as soon as the nurse disappears around the corner. I'm sure by now all the people in there are sanitizing their hands and holding their breath. I couldn't blame them, I would have done the same thing, I'm sure!

Now, I'm sitting there, waiting to be called into the dr.'s office and all I can think about is how much I have to cough, so I am gulping down water, but my throat is now burning and begging me to cough and clear it and I'm out of water... So, I slip the mask back on and manage the tiniest cough I can... Well, if you know how it is when you have an itch you refuse to scratch... It was like that, the tiny cough only made it worse. I sigh and hack out a big (and I'm sure, very swine flu like) sounding cough.

After what felt like hours, the nurse called me back into the dr.'s office and I began my walk of shame through the waiting room once again. Of course, as soon as I was in the office and the evil nurse had shut the door I took the mask off.

The doctor came in, this was our first meeting, he was very kind, probably late 40's with pierced ears and jeans... the type of doctor that isn't really "doctorly" but more like "hey want to go grab a beer after your kid is born?" type of doctor. I can imagine he was a hippy back in the day. He was cool and answered all my questions then told me to hop up on the table to listen to the heartbeat. I went to the door and called Dan in so he could hear it too.

Dr. McCarthy had me lay back and measured my belly, which he said was 15 (inches? cm? no idea) but he said it was perfect for 16 weeks. We listened to the heartbeat which sounded more like a woosh and was 144 beats a minute. Again, he said that was great and sat me up. He bid us farewell and sent us on our way.

On the way out, I kept the mask stuffed deep in my pocket, my hand gripping it tightly. We walked down the long hall and I prayed Nurse Hulk wouldn't see me on the way out. Thankfully, the waiting room was now filled with a new set of patients and, having already had set up all my future appointments, slipped quickly out the door to the safety of my own car! phew...

Monday, November 9, 2009

Baby Names

As many of you know, picking out a baby name is hard work... After all the kid has to spend their entire life with that name, no matter how horrible it is. (Well I guess there are nicknames, middle names and name changes). Dan and I have been going through a ton of baby naming sites and having a lot of discussions on names. After going through life with a short name that rhymes with just about everything (Shari) and a full name that has never once been pronounced correctly (Sharone) and both names never having been spelled correctly by another person (other than my mother) I am very particular about the type of name we choose. I want a simple name with no fancy spellings (Tylor? Caden?? Zavier? Sharone? Etc...) that everyone can pronounce and isn't really big on the name bullying.

So, here's what we've come up with so far:

We agreed on the girl's name of Chloë. According to Chloë is recommended by 76% of the people, occasionally mispronounced, 55% say it's always misspelled, and 81% say they were never bullied because of their name. Bullying includes things like name being purposely mispronounced, and Slowy Chloë. All pretty small "infractions" if you ask me!

As for middle names, we have tossed around Corrine, Rhea and my grandmother's name of Lena or Mary. So here's the list of the complete name:

Chloë Corrine Rozon
Chloë Rhea Rozon
Chloë Lena Rozon
Chloë Mary Rozon

As for boys names, that's a little more work and we have yet to nail a name down, despite my being convinced that we are having a boy. It seems that the "nice" sounding boy names we agree on are either too popular, such as any name ending with an "en" (Kaden and Aiden), not popular enough (such as Xavier and Zander) or endlessly misspelled and mispronounced (again Xavier).

We did agree on one name... sort of... and that's Tyce. We got it from the name of the wonderful choreographer from So You Think You Can Dance. I can't find much info on this name as most say it's short for Tyson (which I definitely wont go for due to Mike Tyson and Tyson Chicken). We got it from the name of the wonderful choreographer from So You Think You Can Dance. However, I'm not too keen on the idea of it as a first name because it seems too close to Tyler and both would have the same shortened nickname. Dan doesn't seem to think this is a problem though, however, I'm much more agreeable to it being a middle name.

Our first choice is Lucian, this is a family name from Dan's side of the family. I think it's very mysterious sounding, quite unique but a bit old fashioned. However, it is a family name and I like giving those preference. It's not a great name for a child, in my opinion, but for an adult I feel it's a very "strong" male name. It's gaining more popularity recently due to it's use as character names in movies. says that Lucian means light in Latin. 82% of people recommend this name, 60% say it's occasionally misspelled, 48% were never bullied, 90% say they like being named Lucian. Most of the teasing was simply being called Luci or a girl.

I like the name Basil, personally, and Dan "sort of" likes it. He doesn't think it'd make a good hockey player name... haha. But I think Basil Tyce Rozon is very nice sounding. Again, babynameworld says that Basil is a latin name meaning kingly. 80% of people recommend the name Basil, it's only occasionally misspelled, and bullying includes things like being called a Spice or told their name was "lame." Again, not too high on name bullying list.

Another name we are considering River. To me, River is very unique and brings about a sense of peace and tranquility that is often seen from bodies of water. River Rozon flows together smoothly too (no pun intended!!). And yes, it is a unisex name, but as far as I'm concerned, most names ending in a hard consonant sound are masculine. babynameworld says that from the people named River 79% suggest it and 88% like being named River. 88% also say it's never mispronounced or misspelled and 49% say they were never bullied because of their name. Bullying included being called River Dance, Lake, Pond, Flood and "Your name is stupid."

The final name (at least so far) we are considering is Jett. Jett is a black gemstone. To me it's a very masculine name, pretty unique and would most likely always be misspelled as Jet. 79% of people named Jett recommend it, 54% say they were *never* bullied because of their name and bullying included being called an airplane, asking if they could fly someone to a location and called Jet Dry. Of course the drawbacks are that the initials of Jett Rozon are JR and he might be called Junior a lot!!! And yes, we are aware that it's the name of a rock group as well as Joan Jett, but being named after rock is cool anyway. :)

So the list of boy names would be:

Lucian Tyce Rozon
Basil Lucian Rozon
River Lucian Rozon
Jett Lucian Rozon
Tyce Lucian Rozon

With how mean kids in school are, it's virtually impossible to find a name that someone couldn't figure out how to make fun of and at the same time find a name that you both agree on, that doesn't bring up a "bad" person in your mind or a stupid movie or celeb and that isn't overused.

So let us know what you think and if you guys have any suggestions or family names!